Customer Testimonials

“Fabulous! Wonderful! Fantastic! Heavenly!!!”

“This could be addictive.”

"Before I came I was a man. After I left I was a dragon."

"A beautiful place, a beautiful massage - Dragonfly is a dream!"

"I've come here for about 1 year and every time is just amazing."

"This was my last time in China for a while... what I will miss most about it: Dragonfly! It was a wonderful experience every single time! Thank you!"

“In fact, I may need to stay a moment and get another treatment.. Ahhh!!!”

“Relaxing massage, honest staff.”

 “Absolutely divine! Thank you.” 

“The Foot massage was heavenly, I feel I can walk back to the US now! Highly recommended!”

“So relaxing - like a week's holiday!”

“Wow, this is the best place to come in China!”

“It’s like honey!” 

"I've been to the Lama Temple, the Great Wall and the Forbidden Palace - but this is the true realm of the immortals - paradise!"

"The oil massage is to die for! Dragonfly is the best place to come for great massages and great service!"

“Amazing experience, my best massage ever!”

“My second visit in 3 days.  Speaks for itself!  Wonderful way to spend a morning.  Absolute Bliss!”

“What a fantastic experience, very relaxing, I could walk the Great Wall again!!--with Dragonfly at the top.”

"My foot massage today was a little piece of heaven! Thank you."

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